Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Importance of Namaz (Prayer)

Namaaz is the soul of all our Ibaadaat (prayers). The Pious predecessors have stated that if a person does not perform his Salaah, then no other Ibaadat performed by him or her is accepted and if a person loves Namaaz and is punctual in his Namaaz then Allah Willing, his or her wrongs will all be forgiven. We should thus try our best to perform our Namaaz and also show strictness in our homes so that our families may also perform their Salaah.   Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) once passed by a river. There he saw a beautiful and elegant looking bird lying in a puddle of mud and dirt. The bird's entire body was covered with filth. He then noticed this bird come out of the mud and then dive into the river until it was clean and beautiful again. Thereafter, the bird once again flew into the dirt and mud and became covered with filth. Once more, the bird left the mud and flew into the river again until it was clean and beautiful again. This astonishing act was repeated five times. Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) began to wonder as to the reason for this strange sequence of events. Sayyiduna Jibraeel?e?Amin (alaihis salaam) descended and told him: �This bird is equal to a human from the Ummah of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Each time he sins he becomes unclean, and when he performs his Salaah, then Almighty Allah purifies him just like the mud and dirt that was cleansed from the bird�.  
It has been narrated that when a persons Namaaz is accepted, then as a reward Almighty Allah creates an Angel that remains in Ruku and Sujood making Tasbeeh until the Day of Qiyamah. The Sawaab of all the Ibaadat of this Angel is recorded in the books of the Namaazi.  
It has been stated in authentic sources that on the Day of Qiyamah as the people will be passing over Pul-Siraat, which is thinner than a hair and sharper than a sword, there will be a group of people who will say that they are too scared to cross over the bridge. Sayyiduna Jibraeel (alaihis salaam) will ask them how they used to cross the oceans in the world. They will say that they did so with ships. On hearing their answer, the Musjids that they worshipped in will be brought and they will sit in these Musjids and pass safely over Pul-Siraat.  
It has been stated that on the Day of Qiyamah, will come in the form of white camels whose feet will be made from Amber, their necks from Saffron, their heads from musk, and their reigns from emeralds. Those who gave Azaan will be in front, the Imams of Musjids will guide them forward from behind and behind the Imaams will be the musallees who sincerely read Namaaz in Jamaat behind the Imaam. When the others will see this on the Day of Qiyamah they will enquire whether these people are Angels or Prophets. It will be said to them that they are neither. They will be told that such are the Ummah of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) who were punctual in their Salaah.  
Dear Muslim brothers and sisters! Perform your Namaaz, for Namaaz will assist us in this world, in our graves, and on the Day of Qiyamah.

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